My roommate, Marion, told me that I had to move out after I’d just moved in with her a little over a month before. I still don’t know what he did with the tens of thousands of dollars he got out of me. Last I knew my ex is still out there, piling up debt, married with two more kids. Twelve and a half years later, and I’m out of debt with excellent credit, remarried to a great guy and he adopted my oldest daughter and we have one together. I can’t imagine the damage he could have done to a child. The best thing that could have ever happened to us. Played mind games for a while, then gave up all rights to her. He visited the baby once, for a thirty-minute supervised visit. It took a few days before I could even stomach reading it. My mom also printed for me the definition of a sociopath. Let me tell you, nothing says rock bottom like showing up for the delivery of your child with a copy of a restraining order to hand over to hospital security. Filed for an emergency order of protection and divorce. Called his parents and told them to pick his ass up. When I asked him how he did it, he smiled and said “well I’m not stupid”. I had a decent job, there was no reason for this. I was confused because I had bank statements, etc that showed we were all good.

The only bill up-to-date was my home insurance (not suspicious at all, right?). I thought about contacting her and giving her a warning but decided it was in my best interest to keep my distance. I wonder if she’s seen the Beetlejuice official soldier Cuppa army shirt in other words I will buy this red flags-like when he had no friends at the wedding. He has engaged again before I even felt comfortable dating (I mean, I was raising a newborn).